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Three-Hour Qigong Courses:

I. Introduction to Qigong & II. Intermediate Qigong

with Suzanne E. Parnell, Ph.D., RM
$75.00 (minimum 2 in the class)
Scheduled on request — Call 888-369-4959 to arrange

Qigong (Chi Kung) meaning "to work or exercise the vital life force (qi/chi)" or "to acquire chi (the vital life force)" is the 4000 year old Chinese system of self-healing exercises and deep breathing techniques that emerge from the ancient understanding of "qi/chi (ki in Japan)." Once the secret knowledge of martial artists and the very wealthy of China, today Qigong is the primary health system of China and is practiced by many millions of Chinese who believe if you have to go to a doctor, your medicine has already failed.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine and the martial arts, the nurturing of qi is directly related to strength, vitality, and healing; the loss of qi to illness, aging, and death. As those in the Orient understand it, we age, we become ill, we die as we lose our primary qi—our life force energy. But learning to replace the qi/chi in our bodies by practicing Qigong daily is something anyone can do, something as simple as taking a beginning three hour course that introduces powerful, non-athletic exercises designed to "work the qi." Qigong is easy to learn, fun to do, powerful in its healing effects. No athleticism is required; even those confined to a wheel chair are able to practice qigong.

Call 888-369-4959 to arrange classes.

About the Teacher:

Suzanne Parnell, director of StoneWind Institute for Mind Body Medicine, has studied Qigong with several Qigong Masters over the last 25 years, including Master Mantak Chia (NY, '88-'91), founder of the Universal Healing Tao, now located in Chiang Mia, Thailand; Master Ken Cohen (periodically '96-2001), Qigong Research and Practice Center, Nederland, CO; Sifu Wong Kiew Kit, of the Shaolin Wahnam Institute, Penang, Malaysia (2007-2012; ) and most recently with Sifu Anthony Korahais of Flowing Zen Center, Gainesville, FL. The form and philosophy of the exercises taught in this course are primarily those as taught by Sifu Wong and Sifu Korahais.

Sifu Anthony Korahais of the Flowing Zen Center in Gainesville, Florida comes to StoneWind yearly for weekend intensives in Qigong. If interested, see the Institute Calendar’s “Upcoming Events" for scheduled classes.


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