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Three-Hour Intro to Meditation.

with Suzanne E. Parnell, Ph.D., RM
$75.00 (minimum 2 in the class)
Scheduled on request — Call 888-369-4959 to arrange

So why do it? Thousands of web sites and books extol the benefits and methods of Meditation, hundreds of scientific and medical studies document the positive effects of meditation on the body and mind, while dozens of medical centers recommend some form of meditation as an adjunct to medical treatment. And millions of Americans have learned to meditate.

Meditation ClassBut many people also tell us they have tried and tried to meditate with no success. The problems for most who try to meditate on their own and become discouraged is a lack of understanding of what to expect, what it should feel like, and what to do with the pesky "monkey mind" that won't shut up. With no experience to use as a "go-by," beginners working without a teacher simply don't know how to judge what happens or how to know what it actually feels like to meditate.

In answer to requests from Retreat Guests who wanted to learn to meditate but did not want to spend a whole weekend or even a full day of a short vacation doing it, we have designed an effective 3-Hour Introduction to Meditation intended to de-mystify the meditation process, help students find a meditation technique that works for them, and help them get started on their meditative journey. The goal of the class is to help students find the form of meditation most compatible with their lifestyles and nervous systems in a streamlined format that focuses on three different forms of meditation that are easy to learn and do. In this new approach students begin building skills immediately, have an opportunity to practice and ask questions during class, and go home with a clear practice goal. The course is taught by Suzanne Parnell, Ph.D, RM, director of StoneWind Institute for Mind Body Medicine.

About Suzanne Parnell

On a dare from college friends, Suzanne Parnell learned to meditate in 1961 in an ashram in Dallas, Texas. In the ten years following that first experience, she explored several forms of meditation, spent time in a Zendo learning Zen meditation, made a journey to India to see first hand the practices of yogis, then studied with a Tibetan lama. In 1972 she learned Transcendental Meditation (TM®), the form of meditation that has received the most widespread scientific recognition for its beneficial effects on the body, and a form that continues to be part of her personal daily practice. Over the last fifty+ years, Suzanne has studied more than fifteen forms of meditation in multiple cultures and become a serious student of Eastern and indigenous mysticism. As a scholar and teacher she works to merge her knowledge of the most powerful meditative skills from across the world into a usable synthesis that can be accessed by anyone no matter their belief system.

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